Sunday, February 26, 2012

Family Scrabble Picture

Here is something that I think that could be fun for any family.  I liked adding in meaningful words but you could leave it with just family names.

I first I started with a plain white canvas. You can use any size.

Then I painted it with the colors that I wanted. I like using a darker color to make the wood squares pop! Also I used leftover paint from painting my walls to make everything match. A neat thing to use to lay the canvas on is a opened up garbage bag. That way you can throw it away after you are done.

While the paint is drying I go to the next step. I bought pre-cut squares from my local craft store. Again these can be any size. (but about 1/4 of an inch thick). It all depends how big you want your picture and how many letters you use.

These are some that I used. Then I put sticker letters on my squares. This is the fun part. It can be any color or style. I did one with many different colors and fonts, which was fun, but for a more formal look I stuck with a simple black lettering. After placing the letters on the squares I then used "Mod Podge" over the letters and squares to give them a nice solid look as well as securing the stickers in place.

After all of this is done and dry, I then place letter squares and use craft glue to stick the squares to the canvas. Dry and put on your wall.  Also if you give as a gift make sure that you place wax paper over the squares to ensure that nothing sticks to them.

Others I have done.

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