Monday, February 27, 2012

Homemade Trophy

This homemade trophy I made for our school's Read-a-Thon. They were really easy to make, but took a long time to dry. I didn't take pictures of this as I made it because I didn't know I was going to be posting it to a blog. But a few teachers told me I should so here it is.

How I made it.
I went to the dollar store (I just looked around until I found what fit together.) and found a little board book (you could use any kind of item here to fit your purpose), a plastic goblet, and a desk tray (upside down) for the bottom.

Then using Craft glue (a lot with the book), I glued around the rim of the glass and placed it on the desk tray. Then put a layer of glue on the bottom of the goblet and positioned the book. Then added glue to any where that might still need it. Then let it dry. (This can take a few days.)

After it was dry I then coated the trophy with gold spray paint. (I would do a couple of coats just to be sure.) After this dried I added sticker letters and did a layer of "Mod Podge." Let dry and you have yourself an awesome (cheap) trophy!

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